MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – A simple thought on the agonizing effects of Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time is hard on all of us! It might be obvious to some, but here is a simple way to stave off the emotional and physical turmoil of the change.
HAPPY FRIDAY – Time wasted doing what you truly love is not wasted time
Time…the most precious resource we have. That’s not a novel concept and we’ve all heard it uttered countless times. Most of us understand the meaning behind the phrase, but some still get caught up in the life-long habit of wasting it. Myself included! How do we break that habit and truly take the necessary steps to enjoy as many minutes of our life that we can? It’s actually easier than most think and you can start by claiming time one minute at a time. I have been on this personal transformation since I left a super stressful job about 2 years ago. This is a transformation that will continue as different factors contribute to my time requirements. But, as I transform, I am mindful of the sacrifice each change requires. This will forever be a give and take since we cannot obviously reclaim lost time nor create “new” time. So…
MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – Be extremely careful of what you practice because you will undoubtedly become good at it!
When you want to get better at something, you practice. While it can be a hopeless endeavor to try for perfection, you can always strive to get better. There is a muscle memory that is developed through repetition. And repetition comes from practicing. I can remember standing in the gym shooting 100 free throws before practice and 100 free throws after practice. I wanted to be able to hit free throws when I’m cold right off the bench and when I was dead tired at the end of overtime. So I practiced. I wanted to hike the incredible peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and not be completely exhausted when I reached the summit, so I used to load up my backpack with weights and walk up and down my stairs to get ready for a backpacking trip. My muscles got stronger and my coordination better through repetition. The same…