MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE- Remember to enjoy the memories! Or better yet, enjoy the moments!
I had a friend from college reach out to me not too long ago and we started talking about one of our backpacking trips to Cottonwood Lakes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. What a great trip and I was so happy he helped dig that memory out of my archives. After my conversation with him, it dawned on me that I hadn’t thought about that trip in a very long time and I wondered what other trips have slipped to the recesses of my mind. I spent a few minutes going through the memory catalog of my different trips and found there were quite a few I hadn’t thought about in a while. Some of these trips were amazing trips and some were noticeably more challenging but thinking back on them, I can say they were memorable! But if they were so memorable, why had I forgotten to remember them?…
MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – Enjoy the Euphoria of Dancing in the Rain
What happens when you take the time to stand in the rain? Learn from our forests and experience the rain as they do!
MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – Navigating the perils of the black hole of grief.
The grief of losing someone can be like a black hole. You may find yourself circling it, coping with it during the waking hours. But as day fades into night, you will find yourself being pulled closer and closer to confronting the grief just as light is drawn to a black hole. Sometimes, the loss and grief it left are too great and you cannot keep it at bay; that is OK. Grieving is a process that takes time to work through and you cannot expect, nor do you want to, forgo that grief because that will minimize who that person was to you. But, as time helps you work through the process, you will find yourself coming out the other side and just as Sci-Fi has taught us, there is a whole new world on the other side of a black hole. What this new world is like without…
MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – The equanimity of accepting the good and bad of life
Monday Motivational Minute is about understanding and accepting life and the peace that comes with that acceptance.
Monday Motivation Minute – The Imperfect Beauty of Nature
Once you see it, it is nearly impossible to not be taken in by its beauty! This 277-mile scar in the high desert cut by the Colorado River is marveled at by millions of people every year. But a 6-inch scar across my face cut by a car windshield that was shattered in an accident is gawked at by beachgoers as I sit enjoying a peace the ocean brings. A tree defiantly standing after being struck by the intense flash of a lightning strike will stand strong for the world to see. But I hide my arms under long sleeves so the world will not see the scald marks left by a stern parent who taught me a lesson. People will marvel at a tree that had to adapt to grow while under the constant pressure of wind blowing across the meadow. But when I find ways to adapt to…
Monday Motivation Minute – The Greatest Adventure of Life
“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey If someone were to ask you, “are you living the life you dreamed of?” I think you would find that that’s a pretty complex question because, after all, don’t you have several dreams? Maybe it’s the dream of having a great job at a good company or the dream of owning your own company or the dream of working remotely and traveling the world. What about the dream of having a family or the dream of being independent? While some dreams are certainly better than others, can you say there is a “best dream”? Maybe… And dreams change so how can you say whether or not you’re living the life of your dreams? Some dreams may be fleeting and some dreams may be lasting and your dream life might be a moving target…