MONDAY MOTIVATION MINUTE – Navigating the perils of the black hole of grief.
The grief of losing someone can be like a black hole. You may find yourself circling it, coping with it during the waking hours. But as day fades into night, you will find yourself being pulled closer and closer to confronting the grief just as light is drawn to a black hole. Sometimes, the loss and grief it left are too great and you cannot keep it at bay; that is OK. Grieving is a process that takes time to work through and you cannot expect, nor do you want to, forgo that grief because that will minimize who that person was to you. But, as time helps you work through the process, you will find yourself coming out the other side and just as Sci-Fi has taught us, there is a whole new world on the other side of a black hole. What this new world is like without…
Monday Motivation Minute: Be the one who cares because there is no guarantee that anyone else will
Why is that our slogan at Poised Wanderer and where did it come from? The belief behind the slogan was originally targeted at nature conservation. We all need to make sure we follow the “Pack In, Pack Out” rule by taking everything with us that we “Packed In” to a trail or campsite. That’s caring to preserve other’s rights to enjoy the hiking trail or campsite without seeing our trash. But we need to do more than that; we need to care on a much larger scale to have a greater impact on conservation. We need to care about what others do because there is no guarantee they will. We can care more than what we can control by pooling resources to affect great change. At Poised Wanderer, we do that by donating a portion of our sales to various nature-based charities. There are so many different charities that work…