Sometimes you have this compelling feeling something isn’t quite right but the reason why you have this feeling can often be hard to see or know. You can be walking into a meeting at work and have this impending doom feeling or find yourself having an uneasy feeling about going on another date with the same person you saw last week. Or even something as simple as that feeling of just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. When you have those feelings in these instances and don’t know why, something in your life can be out of balance. And when things are out of balance, they will eventually get to a tipping point and fall.

These “not quite right” feelings are your mind’s way of saying something needs to change before things come tumbling down. You are on the precipice of change and most of the time, it is better to maintain control and make that change willingly versus being a passenger floating through the rapids of life and letting the world change you.

Change can be hard. Change can be scary. But you have help all around you! Mother Nature is everywhere and has a way of helping you recognize these imbalances in life. She can give you the mental space to decide which path you want to walk. Sitting under a tree or on a riverbank or in a grassy field will let you ease into the present and give you clarity. The key to this process is to not think and let nature’s rhythm set the pace.

Grabbing control, or maintaining control, can be tough and can be scary but having the willingness and strength to change once you recognize the need to change, is liberating and necessary to truly living. You can create your life…your adventure…let Mother Nature help!
Be the one who cares because there is no guarantee that anyone else will.
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