Monday Motivation Minute: Be the one who cares because there is no guarantee that anyone else will
Why is that our slogan at Poised Wanderer and where did it come from? The belief behind the slogan was originally targeted at nature conservation. We all need to make sure we follow the “Pack In, Pack Out” rule by taking everything with us that we “Packed In” to a trail or campsite. That’s caring to preserve other’s rights to enjoy the hiking trail or campsite without seeing our trash. But we need to do more than that; we need to care on a much larger scale to have a greater impact on conservation. We need to care about what others do because there is no guarantee they will. We can care more than what we can control by pooling resources to affect great change. At Poised Wanderer, we do that by donating a portion of our sales to various nature-based charities. There are so many different charities that work…
Experiencing the Peaceful Realization in The True Strength of Flexibility
The strength of the palm tree is not in its ability to exert great force to move objects but in its ability to withstand great force and still grow tall and be amongst the first to feel the warmth of the sun. Sometimes, you find yourself fighting too hard to resist great forces trying to influence your life. It can be a worthwhile practice to step back and objectively look at what’s happening. Who knows, you might see a much easier path forward than fighting every challenge and obstacle with the greatest force you can muster. And when you can’t see an easier way, maybe just bend a little and let the force pass so you can raise up stronger than before. -Shay Be the one who cares because there is no guarantee that anyone else will.
Monday Motivation Minute – The Greatest Adventure of Life
“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey If someone were to ask you, “are you living the life you dreamed of?” I think you would find that that’s a pretty complex question because, after all, don’t you have several dreams? Maybe it’s the dream of having a great job at a good company or the dream of owning your own company or the dream of working remotely and traveling the world. What about the dream of having a family or the dream of being independent? While some dreams are certainly better than others, can you say there is a “best dream”? Maybe… And dreams change so how can you say whether or not you’re living the life of your dreams? Some dreams may be fleeting and some dreams may be lasting and your dream life might be a moving target…
Experience The Incredible Rhythms Of Nature
When you are present in nature, you can feel the rhythms.
The Greatest Successes are Internal
Sometimes other’s definition of success doesn’t match ours…that’s not a bad thing!
Feel the hat. Be the hat. Live the hat.
I like my hats. Baseball hats. Cowboy hats. Panama hats. Fedoras. Beanie. All kinds of different types of hats. And with each different type of hat, there are tons of colors and designs and sayings. It’s easy to find that hat that works on any given day. Like a lot of people right now, I’m working from home and find myself in Zoom meetings all the time. During one of these meetings, I was wearing a light colored Fedora with a very “beachy” shirt. One of my coworkers said, “I love Fedoras. I wish I could wear something like that”. My comment was, “You can. No one can tell you which hat is OK for you to wear. If you like them, go get yourself one!” Why am I writing about hats now? Easy…today I grabbed my dark brown felt western hat because I was missing being out in nature.…